Beavers (Castoridae)

American beaver (Castor canadensis)

Rewilding the American West (Ripple, W.J. et al., 2022)

Relics of beavers past: time and population density drive scale-dependent patterns of ecosystem engineering (Johnson-Bice, S.M. et al., 2021)

Smokey the Beaver: Beaver‐dammed riparian corridors stay green during wildfire throughout the western USA (Fairfax, E. & Whittle, A., 2021)

Beaver: nature’s ecosystem engineers (Brazier, R. et al., 2020)

Outsized effect of predation: Wolves alter wetland creation and recolonization by killing ecosystem engineers (Gable, T.D. et al., 2020)

Population and distribution of beavers Castor fiber and Castor canadensis in Eurasia (Halley, D.J. et al., 2020)

Differences in habitat use between the native Eurasian beaver and the invasive North American beaver in Finland (Alakoski, R. et al., 2019)

Do wolves ambush beavers? Video evidence for higher-order hunting strategies (Gable, T.D. et al., 2018)

Foraging decisions of North American beaver (Castor canadensis) are shaped by energy constraints and predation risk (Salandre, J.A. et al., 2017)

Linking time budgets to habitat quality suggests that beavers (Castor canadensis) are energy maximizers (Gallant, D. et al., 2016)

The engineering in beaver dams (Müller, G. & Watling, J., 2016)

Where and how wolves (Canis lupus) kill beavers (Castor canadensis) (Gable, T.D. et al., 2016)

Landscape-scale carbon storage associated with beaver dams (Wohl, E., 2015)

Dispersal and survival of juvenile beavers (Castor canadensis) in Southern Illinois (Lance B. McNew, Jr. & Alan Woolf, 2005)

Directional tree felling by beavers (Castor canadensis) (Samways, K.M. et al., 2004)

Beaver (Castor canadensis) (Baker, B.W. et al., 2003)

The importance of beaver to wetland habitats and waterfowl in Wyoming (McKinstry, M.C. et al., 2001)

Energy requirements of beavers (Castor canadensis) swimming underwater (Allers, D. & Culik, B.M., 1997)

Seasonal change in body mass and size of tail of northern beavers (Smith, D.W. & Jenkins, S.H., 1997)

Sibling recognition in the beaver: A field test for phenotype matching (Sun, L. & Müller-Schwarze, D., 1997)

Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber)

Can reintroduction of beavers improve insect biodiversity? (Holm Andersen, L. et al., 2023)

Positive coexistence of water voles and beaver: water vole expansion in a beaver engineered wetland (Puttock, A. et al., 2023)

A biodiversity boost from the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) in Germany’s oldest National Park (Orazi, V. et al., 2022)

Establishing the potential influence of beaver activity on the functioning of rivers and streams and water resource management in Scotland (Geris, J. et al., 2022)

Temporal activity patterns of the Eurasian beaver and coexisting species in a Mediterranean ecosystem (Mori, E. et al., 2022)

Beavers and flood alleviation: Human perspectives from downstream communities (Auster, R.E. et al., 2021)

Beaver (Castor fiber) activity and spatial movement in response to light and weather conditions (Cabré, L.B. et al., 2020)

Beaver: nature’s ecosystem engineers (Brazier, R. et al., 2020)

Beavers: the original engineers of Britain’s fresh waters (Wilson, K.A. et al., 2020)

Food caching behavior of the Eurasian beaver in northern Europe (Busher, P.E. et al., 2020)

Hydraulic modeling of beaver dams and evaluation of their impacts on flood events (Neumayer, M. et al., 2020)

Improving engagement in managing reintroduction conflicts: learning from beaver reintroduction (Auster, R.E. et al., 2020)

Landscape structure and population density affect intraspecific aggression in beavers (Mayer, M. et al., 2020)

Long-term dynamics of and potential management strategies for the beaver (Castor fiber) population in Poland (Wróbel, M. et al., 2020)

Population and distribution of beavers Castor fiber and Castor canadensis in Eurasia (Halley, D.J. et al., 2020)

River Otter Beaver Trial: science and evidence report (Brazier, R.E. et al., 2020)

Using field sign surveys to estimate spatial distribution and territory dynamics following reintroduction of the Eurasian beaver to British river catchments (Campbell-Palmer, R. et al., 2020)

Causes and consequences of inverse density‐dependent territorial behavior and aggression in a monogamous mammal (Mayer, M. et al., 2019)

Differences in habitat use between the native Eurasian beaver and the invasive North American beaver in Finland (Alakoski, R. et al., 2019)

The beaver facilitates species richness and abundance of terrestrial and semi-aquatic mammals (Nummi, P. et al., 2019)

The importance of spatial scale in habitat selection by European beaver (Zwolicki, A. et al., 2018)

Age-related changes in somatic condition and reproduction in the Eurasian beaver: Resource history influences onset of reproductive senescence (Campbell, R.D. et al., 2017)

Couch potatoes do better: Delayed dispersal and territory size affect the duration of territory occupancy in a monogamous mammal (Mayer, M. et al., 2017)

Extra-territorial movements differ between territory holders and subordinates in a large, monogamous rodent (Mayer, M., 2017)

Reintroducing the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber to Scotland (Gaywood, M.J. et al., 2017)

Territoriality and life history strategies of the Eurasian beaver (Mayer, M. et al., 2017)

The preferences of the European beaver Castor fiber for trees and shrubs in riparian zones (Janiszewski, P. et al., 2017)

The 7-year itch: non-adaptive mate change in the Eurasian beaver (Mayer, M. et al., 2017)

When to leave: the timing of natal dispersal in a large, monogamous rodent, the Eurasian beaver (Mayer, M. et al., 2017)

Mobility of settlements and elements of the biological signaling field of beavers (Castor fiber) in the basin of the Tadenka River (Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve) (Zavyalov, N.A. et al., 2016)

Seasonal variation in the home range size of the Eurasian beaver: do patterns vary across habitats? (Korbelová, J. et al., 2016)

Territory size and age explain movement patterns in the Eurasian beaver (Graf, P.M. et al., 2016)

The engineering in beaver dams (Müller, G. & Watling, J., 2016)

Beaver (Castor fiber) activity patterns in a predator-free landscape. What is keeping them in the dark? (Swinnen, K. et al., 2015)

Beaver impact on stream fish life histories: The role of landscape and local attributes (Bylak, A. et al., 2014)

Evaluation of the ecological impacts of beaver reintroduction on aquatic systems (Law, A., 2014)

Characteristics of riparian trees and shrubs utilized by the European beaver (Castor fiber) in the Jamy Forest District (Janiszewski, P. et al., 2012)

Reintroduction of beavers Castor fiber may improve habitat quality for vespertilionid bats foraging in small river valleys (Ciechanowski, M. et al., 2011)

A critical review of the effects of beavers upon fish and fish stocks (Kemp, P. et al., 2010)

Ecosystem engineers maintain a rare species of butterfly and increase plant diversity (Bartel, R.A. et al., 2010)

Beaver ponds as habitat of amphibian communities in a central European highland (Dalbeck, L. et al., 2007)

Economic impacts of the beaver (Campbell, R. et al., 2007)

Territory and group sizes in Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber): echoes of settlement and reproduction? (Campbell, R.D. et al., 2005)

Current distribution, status and patterns of spread of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber, and the implications for management (Duncan, H.J. et al., 2000)

Simulated effects of the beaver on vegetation, invertebrates and ducks (Nummi, P., 1989)

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